Fortaleza, Ceará


Cities of Ceará

Redenção (Redemption) means, in Portuguese, Freedom.
This town was the first in Brazil to free its slaves (in Redenção, slaves were freed on January 1st 1883; Brazil freed slaves by a law of May 13th 1888). This historic event alone justifies a visit to Redenção, which is 52 km away from Fortaleza, access by CE-060. There are many tourist places telling the story of the freedom of the slaves, which the town's name suggests.

The Freedom Memorial Museum has important historical pieces. Redenção still preserves the house where the law to free the slaves was signed as well as monuments related to this event. The Main church tells the story of one of the most beautiful temples in the region, it was built based on a primitive chapel of the 18th century. Next to the Freedom Museum, tourists will find artisans working on crochet pieces, pottery, plastic arts and products made of banana tree straw.

A preserved Senzala

Interested in History of black slavery in Brazil? Don't miss a visit to Sítio Livramento (Livramento Farm) and the Senzala Negro Liberto (Senzala Free Blacks).
Built in 1873, the site comprehends an engenho, a Casa Grande (Large House, where the farm owner used to live) and the senzala; senzala is the place where the black slaves used to live. Currently, there is a factory of cachaça in the farm, but the place is open to visitation.

Redenção is also unforgettable because of its natural beauties. Paracupeba Waterfall fills up natural pools with shaded borders and there are sugar mills where one can see cachaça being made.

More information about Redenção:
» Official site, maintained by the city Government; of particular interest to visitors is the page about Tourist Spots in Redenção.

Source of information: State of Ceara Tourism Authority.

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